2010年からプリンスのバンド〈The New Power Generation〉に加入したデンマーク生まれのベーシスト、イダ・ニールセン(イーダ・ニールセンと記述される場合もあり)が、ペイズリー・パークで行われたオーディションやツアーでの出来事を語りました。
Guitar World
Prince bassist Ida Nielsen on her Paisley Park audition | Guitar World
You put a video of yourself playing bass on YouTube. Then Prince calls…
上記の記事には記載されていませんが、ソロになる前はザップ・ママ(ZAP Mama)のメンバーとして活動したキャリアの持ち主。
“I got a call from his manager, but I couldn’t really hear what she was saying. I did hear her say the name Prince, but I thought it was a joke! She invited me to Paisley Park for a jam and I said ‘Sure!’ I didn’t hear anything for two weeks, so I thought that was it until I finally got another call – and three months later I was on tour with Prince."
“I got an email the night before I left for Minneapolis, with two songs that I had to learn. They were Dreamer and Funk, which I’m not sure are album tracks. I knew other songs too, of course, because I’ve always loved Prince: I listened to a bunch of stuff to really prepare for that first time.”
He was super sweet when I first got there, because I was nervous. He asked me which kind of basses I had and stuff liked that, to help me relax and get into nerd mode. After a few minutes it was cool and we started jamming.
緊張していた私に、彼はとても優しく接してくれたわ。私がリラックスしてオタクモード(nerd mode)になれるように、どのベースを持っているかとか色々聞いてくれたの。数分後にはすっかり打ち解けて、ジャムを始めてたわ。
“There was a lot of stuff to remember, because he liked to change things up and not always stick to what’s on the set list, so I had a lot of different songs to learn in a short time, that was the hardest part of it.
彼はセットリストにある曲ばかりでなく、変化をつけるのが好きだったから、覚えなければならない曲がたくさんあって、それが一番大変だったの。It wasn’t like a normal bass gig where you have 30 songs: I had to learn 300!That took a lot of time.
普通のベース・ギグのように30曲というわけにはいかなかったわ: 300曲を覚えなければならなかった!とても時間がかかったわ...We must have our hearing checked: we thought she said 300 songs…
It was actually more than 300 songs, because I was learning more as we went along.
“Well, Prince was number one on the list of people I wanted to play with, so it was amazing being with him. He gave his whole heart and soul to the music, which made you want to do that too. No concert was the same, because he always switched up the set list. Playing with him gave me an amazing feeling that I’ve never felt with any other musician. With Prince, you were always in the moment.”