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2015年にリリースしたフル・アルバム「Unbreakable Smile」が全米ビルボード・チャート2位を記録と華々しいデビューを飾ったトリ・ケリー(Tori Kelly)。




"It's a story I'll be ­telling for the rest of my life," she says, recounting how the legend seemed to appear out of nowhere at Minneapolis' Varsity Theater just as she began a cover of "Kiss." After the show, a member of his 3rdEyeGirl backing band invited Kelly to his home, where she played pingpong and was eventually summoned to meet the musician himself. "I don't think I said that much," she says. "I was just smiling the whole time, and he was there, wearing a turban. Then he disappeared into thin air. I didn't see him again after we spoke."

ざっくり要約すると、2015年6月11日にミネアポリスのヴァーシティ・シアター(Varsity Theater)で行われたトリのライブの後、3rdeyegirlのメンバーがケリーを自宅に招き卓球をしたという事らしい。(プリンスはターバンを巻いていたのかな?!)
インタビューには明確に書いてありませんが”his home”なので場所はペイズリーパークで間違いないでしょうね😃

ここで言う”3rdEyeGirl backing band”はどうやらジョシュアとハンナみたいです。


"Rising star Tori Kelly played a sold out show at the Varsity Theater in Minneapolis tonight. The balcony area of the venue had part of one of the sides blocked off, so there was a very probable hunch as to who would watch from there. Sure enough, Josh and Hannah arrived in time to catch the opening act, Us the Duo, and Josh seemed to be texting after, probably letting Prince know the approximate set times.
Prince, what looked to be Judith Hill, a bodyguard, and someone else came in the side door about half way through Kelly's set, and were escorted upstairs to the blocked off area.

”his home”なので場所はペイズリーパークで間違いないでしょうね😃



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