
-Band Member- PRINCE4EVER

Adrian Crutchfield

André Cymone

Andrew Gouché
BK Jackson
Candy Dulfer

Dear all, yesterday was a surreal day. Like all of you I was just not ready to say goodbye to this guy. His music was the soundtrack to my life and by inviting me into his he shaped a big part of the path I have gone on since. He believed in me before I believed in myself and for that I'm forever grateful!! I feel so lucky to have been around him and his creative force and all these amazing people he surrounded him with, I wish for everyone to enjoy his music for eternity, there is so much, he left us enough for centuries! Much love to all!! P.s. I have chosen to not be a part of any tv, -radioprograms and current tributes. It just doesn't feel right and I like to honour him just by playing my a@* off. That's what he taught me, and it's what I think he would have wanted...

Candy Dulfer-Szénásiさん(@realcandydulfer)が投稿した写真 -

Cassandra O'Neal

CATToday is one of the worst days of my life. I've lost... (friends only)
Chance Howard
Cora Coleman-Dunham
Damaris Lewis

Dave Jensen
Dez DickersonParties weren't meant to last-you will be missed my friend... (friends only)
Dudley D.
Elisa Fiorillo

Estaire Godinez
Fonky Bald Heads

Frédéric Yonnet

Gayle Chapman
Jason Peterson Delaire
JD Steeles
(The Steeles)
John Blackwell

Joshua Welton

Joey Rayfield
Kat Dyson
Keith Anderson
Kip Blackshire

Lee Hogans
Levi SeacerMy Friend is gone, words cannot express how I feel. The Greatest Musician in the World, took his time to teach me, mentor me and share his life with me. The stage experience was great, but the private conversations Priceless. He is with GOD now debating with Michael who really was Bad lol !!!!!!!. My Friend you are truly missed!!!
Maceo Parker

Lynn GrissettRest in peace my brother...I am truly honored that you saw fit to have me in you're band, you're legacy. You have truly inspired me beyond measure. I know I'll see you again
Marcus Anderson

Marva King

Michael Bland
Mike Phillips
Miko Weaver
Misty Copeland

(Dywane Thomas Jr.)

Morris Hayes
Najee Rasheed
Nandy McClean
(The Twinz)

UR spirit

•N A N D Y M C C L E A N•さん(@nandymcclean)が投稿した写真 -

Nick Marchione
Nik West

Phillip Lassiter
Renato Neto
Ricky Peterson
Robia LaMorte
(aka Pearls)
Ronald Bruner Jr.
Rosie Gaines
Roy Agee
Saeeda Wright


Steve Strand
Sylvester Onyejiaka
(aka Sly5thAve)

Tamar Davis

Tony M.
(Geechie Dan Buford)
I had the privilege work, learn and laugh from the musical genius that was Prince. I have so many memories that will last a lifetime and I'm forever grateful for the opportunities that he provided me and so many others here in MPLS...I will see you again my brother
(for facebook)
Trevor Guy


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