3RDEYEGIRL | サードアイガールのメンバーが感動的な追悼文を発表 |
Andy Allo | |
Bobby Z (The Revolution) |
Bria Valente | |
Brown Mark (The Revolution) |
Carmen Electra | |
Chaka Khan | |
Donna Grantis (3rdeyegirl) |
Eric Leeds (The Time, Madhouse) | All right, here we go. Excuse me if this rambles a...(friends only) |
fDELUXE (aka The Family) |
George Clinton |
Hannah Welton (3rdeyegirl) |
Ida Kristine Nielsen (3rdeyegirl) |
Ingrid Chavez |
Jacob Armen | |
Jesse Johnson (The Time) |
Jill Jones |
Jimmy Jam (The Time) |
Judith Hill |
Kahoru Kohiruimaki (小比類巻 かほる) | 私の大好きな曲、Sometimes It Snows In April 彼は4月に旅立ってしまいました。 まだ、受け止められない現実です。 |
Larry Graham | |
Liv Warfield |
Marvin Gunn (Mazarati) |
Mavis Staples | |
Mayte |
Monte Moir (The Time) | |
Morris Day (The Time) |
Paul Peterson (The Family) |
The Revolution (Message from Matt Fink) | |
Sheila E. |
Susannah Melvoin (The Family) |
Taja Sevelle | |
TC Ellice | |
The Original 7ven (aka The Time) |
The Three O'Clock |
Wendy & Lisa (The Revolution) |
-Paisley Park & NPG Records Artist- PRINCE4EVER